Monday, March 29, 2010

Virtual Visit

We flew to Alsaka South today in class. I walked around, flew, talked with others, swam, and went exploring. I had no idea this morning as I was biking up Old Main that I was actually going to be in another state in a few minutes. :)
Setting up virtual worlds could be used in the classroom for role playing, a way to make up homework if a student has to be absent for a long period of time by having virtual assignments or discussions, if I am teaching them geography or history the students could visit a virtual model of that setting and explore the setting they are learning about. If I were to use this in a class I would probably try and use a virtual world like the one we went to that was already set up, otherwise it would take so much time to do it that it wouldn't be worth it because it would cut into my other lesson preparations.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Survey sweetness

We learned how to create surveys. If you'd like to do one just for the heck of it here is the link: Knowing how to create, use, and save surveys off from Google Docs will be really nice in the classroom because I could use it for a small quiz or to try and get a feel of an upper level elementary class opinions. As a teacher it is nice to know what your students feel is important, what they enjoy, and what things they hope to see in the class. They really respond well to having a say in the classroom.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spreadsheet Class

I missed class today because one of my roommates from China is going back today and I still needed to get some stuff together for her. I know the class was on spreadsheets and hopefully I'll be able to make that up a little. :) Loving the sun though!!!! I really wish that spring was here to stay but I'm a little worried that we'll have a few more snow storms.